A driver is employed for a business that tows vehicles, a service station or a business that will take in used or deserted vehicles. There are several automotive job opportunities such as this particular one. However, there are a few things that you should know before applying for an automotive job as a truck driver.
There are a variety of the types of automobiles that are employed by drivers in order to successfully tow a vehicle off of the road. These include a truck with a sling and a hook, a truck with a flatbed in back and one with a wheel-lift.
Besides having to haul a vehicle off of the road, a tow truck and its driver are usually on call to aid a slight problem that may have arise on the side of a road, like a car being unable to start, a flat tire or if a car has run out of gas. When not required to go aid in roadside assistance, a driver will also have to have experience as a mechanic to repair vehicles for their manager.
Completion of high school is important as well as instruction at the site where the driver is employed in order to become a tow truck driver. To further ensure a position, the driver should get a license that is specifically a class B license.
The salary a driver will get could be between 18k and 25k annually, though it is projected that the position will become more popular as the desire and need for tow truck drivers grows.
The rewards are diverse and are dependant on who oversees a tow truck driver, as in a manager. The perks include insurance of the dental and medical variety, and vacation time is granted, as well as sick days. Retirement rewards are also offered, though many of these perks can be open to discussion.
Regardless of the economy, everyone needs a tow truck driver. You can find automotive job listings for a tow truck driver in your local want ad listing. Automotive job listings can also be found on the Internet as well. Most of all, there are many automotive job opportunities available. However you have to have the right credentials to match the automotive job opportunity that you desire. Search online to day for automotive job listings!