Yes you can make your own fuel for less than $1.00 a gallon if you know the basics.
Amazing results can be achieved at home with a little knowledge and a minimal investment.
Imagine paying $1.00 a gallon for fuel instead of $3.10 a gallon or more.
It is possible right now!. . . . .
Step One: . . . The Conversion Process
We have to break down carbohydrate sugars, such as the starch from corn. Create it into "Mash". Grind or crush the feedstock (corn, soybeans, wheat, etc...). Then dilute and add an enzyme (alpha amylase) to turn the mixture into a liquid. Once liquified a second enzyme is added(glucoamylase) to convert the starch into sugar. (If the source is mainly sugar, i.e...rotten fruit, molasses, etc..., the conversion step can be skipped.
Step Two: . . . Fermentation
Add yeast and make it into a beer (wine) type solution.
Step Three: . . . Distillation
The beer (wine) type solution needs to be run through a still to extract the alcohol from the solution.
Step Four: . . . Filtration
The ethanol now needs to be filtered to get rid of excess organic volatiles.
Step Five: . . . Dehydration
The ethanol needs to be "dried". After the distillation process there will be a certain amount of water in the ethanol you have just created - this can be dried running the ethanol through Zeolite a readily available product for drying ethanol.
Step Six: . . . Ethanol Into e85
Now simply convert the pure ethanol into e85 by adding 15% unleaded gasoline to your ethanol. e85 is nothing more than 85% ethanol mixed with 15% gasoline.
Making your own ethanol will require some initial investment, but the rewards will be very, very beneficial. You can make your own e85 for right around a $1.00 a gallon if you buy the corn and for about $.60 a gallon if you grow your own corn.
e85 Flex Fuel Vehicles are becoming more and more popular as the gas prices continue to rise. e85 is defiantly going to be a major relief for the United States fuel problem.
You may even be driving a flex fuel vehicle now. Many newer models are equipped to handle both gasoline as well as e85 ethanol. The best way to check is to look in your owners manuel, check in the fuel door for the e85 sticker or contact your dealer and have them run your vin number to see if you vehicle is compatable. I suggest that you do all three, to be on the safe side.Now simply convert the pure ethanol into e85 by adding 15% unleaded gasoline to your ethanol. e85 is nothing more than 85% ethanol mixed with 15% gasoline.