Out of all of the car buying tips, the car deal negotiating tips, and out of all the do's and don't do's when you are car shopping and ultimately buying, what is the single most important area to have under control as the buyer.
I had what I thought was an interesting question sent in to me the other day and that is the topic of this article. The question asked was essentially; out of all of the car buying tips, the car deal negotiating tips, and out of all the do's and don't do's when you are car shopping and ultimately buying, what is the single most important area to have under control as the buyer.
I had to preface my answer by saying that in order to get your best deal when buying a car, there are many pieces to the car buying puzzle. They are all individually important because when you put all the buying processes together they make up your deal. And all of these car buying puzzle pieces are what dealerships are all about. They each represent an opportunity to sell you something and therefore make a profit on that sale.
Having said that, this is a great question and you would probably get many different answers. But, since you asked and I have pondered